The organizer is great, but it needs to be more adjustable for the Breeze Jogger stroller. The organizer has too much of an angle when strapped tightly. I had to use two strap hooks to make the organizer sit closer to level with the ground. Our English bulldog absolutely loves the Breeze Jogger stroller, and we love it also!!!
We love how easy it was to put this stroller together and get moving with our senior dog Louie who also has IVDD. The stroller is a nice quality and the larger wheels make it easy to get around the city even with some snow on the ground. It collapses easy and fairly small so it will be easy to travel with. The canvas is nice and heavy and will be easy to wipe. It even has a cup holder and a place to put your phone and some packages if if you take your pet out shopping. It is so important to still be able to get your dog out to sniff the neighborhood for it's mental stimulation. Plus itās a nice way to get some steps in for you.
Works great, good price.
Works perfectly and it is very easy to do.
Love the stroller! Now my fur baby can join my daily runs and my monthly 5k races!